Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tractus originis medullae spinalis (par)

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 tractus systematis nervosi centralis (par) Short Extended
Current level tractus originis medullae spinalis (par) Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7944 tax
tractus originis medullae spinalis (par)
tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
central roots of spinal cord (pair)
fasciculus cuneatus (par)
cuneate fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus gracilis (par)
gracile fasciculus (pair)
7946 tax
proper tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair) ; intrinsic tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
77029 5242 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis posterior (par) ; fasciculus propriospinalis dorsalis (par)
posterior propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; dorsal ground bundle (pair); posterior ground bundle (pair)
77030 5243 tax
fasciculus septomarginalis (par)
septomarginal fasciculus (pair)
73944 5244 tax
fasciculus interfascicularis (par) ; fasciculus semilunaris (par)
interfascicular fasciculus (pair) ; semilunar fasciculus (pair)
fasciculus cornucommissuralis (par)
cornucommissural fasciculus (pair)
77027 5219 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis lateralis (par)
lateral propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; lateral ground bundle (pair)
75696 5238 tax
tractus spinocervicalis (par)
spinocervical tract (pair)
77026 5206 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis anterior (par) ; fasciculus propriospinalis ventralis (par)
anterior propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; ventral propriospinal fasciculus (pair) ; anterior ground bundle (pair); ventral ground bundle (pair)
77028 5207 tax
fasciculus sulcomarginalis (par)
sulcomarginal fasciculus (pair)
long tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
7955 tax
tractus ascendentes originis medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of origin in spinal cord (pair)
5250 tax
fibrae spinograciles (par)
spinogracile fibres (pair)
5249 tax
fibrae spinocuneatae (par)
spinocuneate fibres (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis (par) ; systema anterolaterale (par) ; lemniscus spinalis (par)
anterolateral tract (pair) ; anterolateral system (pair) ; spinal lemniscus (pair)
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5324 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
tractus spinoreticularis (par)
spinoreticular tract (pair)
5331 tax
fibrae spinorhombencephalica (par)
spinorhombencephalic fibres (pair)
fibrae rhombencephalica caudales (par) ; fibrae bulbares (par)
caudal rhombencephalic fibres (pair) ; bulbar fibres (pair)
5326 tax
fibrae spinoreticulares (par)
spinoreticular fibres (pair)
fibrae spinorhombencephalica rostrales (par)
rostral spinorhombencephalic fibres (pair)
fibrae spinoreticulares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
spinoreticular fibres of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
fibrae spinofaciales (par)
spinofacial fibres (pair)
7537 tax
tractus spinoparabrachialis (par)
spinoparabrachial tract (pair)
fibrae spinoparabrachiales (par)
spinoparabrachial fibres (pair)
73968 5226 tax
tractus spinomesencephalicus (par)
spinomesencephalic tract (pair)
fibrae spinointercolliculares (par)
spinointercollicular fibres (pair)
5328 tax
fibrae spinotectae (par)
spinohidden fibres (pair)
5329 tax
fibrae spinoperiaqueductales (par)
spinoperiaqueductal fibres (pair)
5327 tax
fibrae spinomesencephalicae (par)
spinomesencephalic fibres (pair)
7538 tax
tractus spinothalamici (par)
spinothalamic tracts (pair)
pars thalamica (par)
thalamic part (pair)
pars mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic part (pair)
pars rhombencephalica rostralis (par)
rostral rhombencephalic part (pair)
5325 tax
fibra spinothalamica (par)
spinothalamic fibre (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
partes rhombencephalica caudales (par)
caudal rhombencephalic parts (pair)
75684 5217 tax
tractus spinothalamicus anterior (par) ; tractus spinothalamicus ventralis (par)
anterior spinothalamic tract (pair) ; ventral spinothalamic tract (pair)
73965 5227 tax
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis (par)
lateral spinothalamic tract (pair)
tractus spinohypothalamicus (par)
spinohypothalamic tract (pair)
5330 tax
fibrae spinohypothalamicae (par)
spinohypothalamic fibres (pair)
tractus cervicothalamicus (par)
cervicothalamic tract (pair)
72643 12547 tax
tractus spinoolivaris (par)
spinoolivary tract (pair)
5304 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
5232 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
75213 5332 tax
fibrae spinoolivares (par)
spinoolivary fibres (pair)
7539 tax
tractus spinovestibularis (par)
spinovestibular tract (pair)
72646 5333 tax
pars rhombencephalica caudalis (par)
caudal rhombencephalic part (pair)
5239 tax
pars spinalis (par)
spinal part (pair)
fibrae spinovestibulares (par)
spinovestibular fibres (pair)
7960 tax
tractus spinocerebellares (par)
spinocerebellar tracts (pair)
8419 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris rostralis (par)
rostral spinocerebellar tract (pair)
72642 5312 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior (par) ; tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis (par)
anterior spinocerebellar tract (pair) ; ventral spinocerebellar tract (pair)
73950 5319 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior (par) ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis (par)
posterior spinocerebellar tract (pair) ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract (pair)
fibrae afferentes somatosensoriae (par)
somatosensory afferent fibres (pair)
fibrae afferentes proprioceptivae (par)
proprioceptive afferent fibres (pair)
fibrae afferentes viscerosensoriae (par)
viscerosensory afferent fibres (pair)
64 lines
57.8 %
57.8 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Nathan and Smith described the Propriospinal fasciculi as Posterior or Dorsal, Lateral, and Anterior or Ventral Ground bundles (Nathan PW, Smith MC 1959 Fasciculi proprii of the spinal cord in man. Brain 82:610-668). The term Fasciculus septomarginalis (Septomarginal fasciculus) is used for: 1) the Oval bundle of Flechsig, present at lumbar levels; and 2) the Triangle of Philippe-Gombault, present at sacral levels (see Schoenen J, Grant G 2004 The spinal cord: Connections. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 236-265). The term Fasciculus interfascicularis is also known as the Comma tract of Schultze, present at cervical and high thoracic levels. According to Nathan and Smith (1959), the Comma tract consists of descending divisions of the cervical and upper thoracic dorsal roots. The Fasciculus cornucommissuralis is present throughout the cord, best developed at lumbar levels; situated along the medial side of the posterior grey column abutting the posterior commissure. It consists of ipsilaterally running propriospinal fibres (see Schoenen and Grant 2004).
See note # 5242
See note # 5242
For the Tractus spinoolivaris (Spino-olivary tract) as eponym Helweg tract is used. Smith and Deacon (Smith MC, Deacon P 1981 Helweg's triangular tract in man. Brain 104:249-277) denied that Helweg's tract contains spino-olivary fibres; more likely reticulospinal; Helweg's tract can be identified in Weigert-stained sections, but hardly in Luxol-Fast-Blue-stained sections. The term Fibrae olivospinales is deleted (non-existent); they are probably reticulospinal fibres; see Brodal A 1969 Neurological Anatomy in Relation to Clinical Medicine, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York).
(Tractus anterolateralis): A Tract may be defined as a projection (a set of fibres with one main source and one main site of termination) which manifests itself as a fibre concentration over at least part of its course (Nieuwenhuys R 1998 Structure and organisation of fibre systems. In: Nieuwenhuys R, ten Donkelaar HJ, Nicholson C: The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp 113-157). For fibre systems with a more diffuse organization, the term Fibrae is advocated.
A Tractus spinohypothalamicus (Spinohypothalamic tract) has been characterized functionally in monkeys (Zhang X, Wenk HN, Gokin AP, et al. 1999 Physiological studies of spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the lumbar enlargement of monkeys. J Neurophysiol 82:1054-1058; see also Westlund KN, Willis WD Jr 2012 Pain system. IN: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1144-1186).
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 7944
Sublist 1 7945 radix centralis medullae spinalis 8/3 on 15.4.2018
Invalid signature 8929 (stored value 17305)
Sublist 2 7946 tractus proprius originis medullae spinalis 26/9 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 3 7954 tractus longus originis medullae spinalis 134/45 on 31.12.2021
Invalid signature 10983 (stored value 2666)
Error in sublist Found children 152 Found units 51
Subtotals subchildren 168 subunits 57
Proper children 5
Invalid check Found children: 191
Proper units 1
Invalid check Found units: 64
Invalid signature 7647 ( 31.12.2021)
Date: 18.06.2024